Building Blocks of Contracts (B2B): A Lego-inspired Guide

March 1, 2024

Contracts are the fundamental building blocks of business relationships, providing a structured framework for parties to define their rights, obligations, and expectations. Just like Lego bricks come together to create intricate structures, contracts assemble various elements to form a solid foundation for commercial agreements in the business-to-business (B2B) realm. In this article, we will explore how contracts are formed and highlight key provisions found in commercial agreements, using Lego as a metaphor.

Forming Contracts - Laying the Foundation:

Imagine a Lego construction project where two parties decide to collaborate. This collaboration begins with an offer, much like presenting a set of Lego bricks to create something exciting. The offer is a proposal outlining terms and conditions, providing the starting point for negotiations.

Offer and Acceptance:

One party presents a set of Lego bricks to build a spaceship, representing the offer. The offer must be clear, definite, and communicated to the other party (the instruction manual). Acceptance occurs when the other party agrees to the terms as presented.


Both parties contribute Lego bricks to the project, representing consideration – consideration refers to the value exchanged by the parties, such as goods, services, or monetary compensation. It ensures a mutual commitment to the contract.

Intention to Create Legal Relations:

Parties connect Lego bricks to demonstrate their intention to create something meaningful – for a contract to be valid, both parties must intend to create legal relations. Social agreements may lack this element, but commercial contracts require a legal commitment.

Scope of Work:

Now that the foundation is set, we can explore the key provisions found in commercial agreements. Akin to the intricate details in a Lego construction, it's crucial to clearly define which part of the Lego creation each party is responsible for. The statement of work describes the specific tasks, deliverables, and responsibilities of each party and sets the boundaries of the agreement.

Payment Terms:

The contract should set out how many Lego bricks each party will contribute and when. Payment provisions outline the agreed-upon method and timing of payment for goods or services. It ensures transparency and avoids misunderstandings.

Duration and Termination:

Establishing whether the Lego project has a set completion date or can be dismantled at any time. Specify the duration of the agreement and conditions under which either party can terminate the contract. Clarity in this provision helps manage expectations.


Keeping the Lego project details secret until it's unveiled. Protects sensitive information shared during the collaboration, preventing unauthorised disclosure to third parties.

Dispute Resolution:

Agreeing to use a Lego mediator to resolve conflicts before resorting to dismantling the entire project. A dispute resolution clause outlines the process for resolving disputes, whether through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, before resorting to litigation.

In the world of business, contracts are the Lego bricks that bring collaborative projects to life. Understanding how contracts are formed and the key provisions within them is crucial for successful B2B relationships. By envisioning the process through the familiar lens of Lego construction, businesses can navigate the complexities of commercial agreements with clarity and precision. Just like a well-constructed Lego masterpiece, a carefully crafted contract can lead to successful partnerships and mutually beneficial outcomes. We specialise in constructing and reviewing commercial contracts - you can find out more about how we can support you here.

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